August 12, 2015

I’m back! After a three-week hiatus, I’m again participating in #1LineWed on Twitter, sponsored by RWA’s Kiss of Death chapter.
Today’s theme is HOOKS (aka chapter endings). I just posted the hook from the end of Chapter One of WAR: Intrusion, the second book in my new romantic thriller series WAR. The hook for Chapter Two will go up by the end of the day.
I chose hooks from the first two chapters because the hooks that come later in the book contain spoilers. Today’s lines are also the first ones that are guaranteed to be in the final version of the book. There’s a possibility I might tweak them slightly, but I’m in the last stages of proofreading, which means no throwing away or completely rewriting lines.
If you’re not on Twitter, here’s what I posted the last time I participated in #1LineWed, on July 15th. That day, the theme was WATER. These lines are also from WAR: Intrusion. At that point, Intrusion was still a work in progress, aka WIP. I haven’t checked to see if these lines are still in the book or not. 😉

Lachlan wanted to feel her soft mouth under his more than he wanted his next sip of life-preserving water

She’d rather have his mouth against hers. He’d be hotter, and tastier, than this lukewarm, watery imitation of coffee.

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