I’m back! I’ve been on hiatus from #1LineWed for the past several weeks, since the themes were holiday related and not appropriate to my books. Plus, I was in holiday vacation mode. 😉
Today’s theme for #1LineWed on Twitter, sponsored by RWA’s Kiss of Death chapter, is opening lines.
Because each book has just one opening line, what I’m doing is posting the opening line to the first draft of WAR: Intrusion and then the opening line to the second draft, which is the draft I’m currently working on. There will probably be four to ten more drafts before the book goes live. Yes, I go through a LOT of revisions before I’m satisfied with each manuscript! LOL So, you’ll most likely see a much better opening line in the final version.
If you’re not on Twitter, here’s what I posted in December when the theme was emotion. This is also from WAR: Intrusion. But, now that I’m into round two of revisions, it looks like the scene this line comes from is going to be cut.
Helen shut off the hot water. She must be in shock. Her skin was lobster red, but she didn’t feel a thing.