February 3, 2019

Today's lesson: Pay attention!

I like to have a bowl of blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries with my breakfast. I buy frozen berries and thaw them in the microwave at 50% power.

This morning, I forgot to adjust the power level. Here's the result:

A photo of melted berries

I clearly need to pay extra attention to detail today to avoid making more mistakes!

This is also the sort of lesson that I can apply to my writing. I tend to have the bad guys or the weather causing problems for my characters. I need to remember to include complications caused by the characters' inattention or haste.

Or random bad luck.

My characters had better watch out! LOL

Below is a photo of the new bowl of berries I thawed after cleaning up the mess. Much better! 😀

Photo of a bowl of thawed berries
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