It's no secret that I hate to be cold. Which is kinda weird, since I grew up in New England and used to love to play in the snow.
I was a kid during the Blizzard of 1978 and considered it a great adventure. When the roof over our side door fell off due to the weight of the snow, we used it as a stage for our games. I had no idea how much of a region-wide disaster the blizzard was until recently.
But ever since I returned from West Africa I've had trouble keeping warm. And it's only gotten worse the older I get.
So today's weather, in the low 80's, was just about perfect for me. Warm enough that I zipped off the bottom of my pants during my afternoon walk. If you're not familiar with this type of hiking pants, there's a zipper on each leg above the knee that attaches the lower portion of the pant. I can go from full-length pant to shorts and back again all without taking off my shoes. And the large pockets easily hold the folded-up bottom sections.

FYI, those are my walking poles on my right side.
So, how's the November weather where you are?