August 1, 2020

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you may remember that last year I posted about the Diving Universe Kickstarter offering an early copy of the novel The Renegat by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. I’m a huge fan of the Diving Universe space opera novels, so I’m thrilled to have a chance to get an early copy of Thieves, the next book in the series starring the main character, Boss. 

This year’s The Return of Boss Kickstarter offers Thieves, plus another new novel in the series, plus a host of other fiction goodies. Kris and her husband, Dean Wesley Smith, also offer fantastic non-fiction books and courses for writers. A tempting selection of those are also offered.

What’s interesting about this year’s campaign is that backers can add on a reward from another level. So, if you want both item X and item Y, but they’re not offered together, you can add Y for an additional price to the pledge amount for X.

They funded within an hour. As of the time I’m writing this, Saturday, August 1st about 7:00 pm, they’ve almost reached enough funding to unlock the second stretch goal. For those of you unfamiliar with Kickstarter, stretch goals kick in as additional levels of funding are reached. Once the associated pledge threshold has been reached, everyone who pledges gets the stretch goal reward.

They have some very nice stretch goal rewards, so I hope this campaign raises enough money to unlock them all. The Kickstarter ends on August 20th.

If you aren’t interested in financially backing the project but you enjoy reading adventures in space starring a strong heroine, then I highly recommend the Diving Universe novels. The first novel in the series is Diving into the Wreck.

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