November 5, 2019

Being a writer means that my mind occasionally amuses itself with fanciful scenarios.

Case in point, this “diary” entry from my alter ego:


Visited one of my primary sources for intel today. Received updates on two out of three critical topics. Will visit other sources for info on third topic. After visit, did reconnaissance. Spotted a man on a training walk with a tracker dog and a couple training a drug-sniffing dog. Mysterious container no longer in field. Potential threat eliminated by locals.

Cartoon illustration of a spy wearing a hat and trenchcoat

What really happened:

I went to the library today. They had two out of three items I wanted. I’ll have to check another library for the third. Afterwards, I went for a walk. Spotted a man whose dog was enthusiastically sniffing everything in sight and a couple walking a pudgy beagle. The large dumpster for collecting debris from the river cleanup was gone. I assume because the project is over.

Imagination. It’s what makes life interesting.

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