July 7, 2020

Photo of six pack of Trader Joe's toilet paper

A photo I took on the day I was able to buy a full six-pack of toilet paper again.   I was so excited! LOL

Have the shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic changed your buying habits? I have to admit that for certain items I replenish them a lot sooner than I would have before the shortages. I also go to the store less, so tend to buy more at one time.

The top items I keep fully stocked are:

  • Toilet paper
  • Coffee
  • Almond milk (to go in the coffee)
  • Peanut butter
  • Flour, sugar (brown and white), eggs, pumpkin, etc. used for making pumpkin bread
  • Soap (I have to buy fragrance free soap, which is hard to find in the best of times)
  • Contact lens solution

So, yeah. I can’t survive only on coffee, peanut butter, and my homemade pumpkin bread, but I can be pretty happy with substitutions for other foods if I have those three things.

How about you? Have your buying habits permanently changed? Are you keeping more of certain items on hand? 

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