I suffer from chronic back pain. Every so often it bares its teeth at me and puts me out of commission for days.
Like right now.
It’s hard to think straight when my back is out. Writing is near impossible. My brain feels fuzzy. Focus is a challenge.
My life is reduced to moments. Now I bargain with myself. Face a painful spasm in order to turn over, then I can rest before trying to get out of bed.
Now I’m stuck in an awkward position in front of the chair I’ve just vacated, not quite fully upright and not sure how to stand without setting off another spasm. Cue creativity to figure out the least painful way out of this dilemma.
It’s a sharp reminder of my problem solving skills. A test of my patience. A reminder that I have limitations.
Message received, Universe.
Only next time, just send a postcard. Okay?
Back issues are not fun!!! Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Thank you!