July 19, 2022

If you’ve been following me for a while, then you may have heard me mention that the first book published in my WAR series was not the first story idea I came up with in that world. The first book that I wrote for that series I couldn’t quite get a handle on. I rewrote and rewrote it, but was never happy with it.

Max and Emily’s story eventually came to me, so I put the idea for that original book on hold. As the series progressed, I realized that the original story would be a good final book in the series. Or at least a final book to tie up the current overarching plot arc. 

The two main characters of that original story haven’t changed much, particularly the heroine, Jane. However, a discussion at the office yesterday gave me a new idea for what the heroine could be doing in Africa. If I implement it, I might have to change Jane’s personality. Which might work. I’ll have to see.

Also, I’m not sure how, or if, this new idea would impact Jane’s relationship with the hero. If I decide the idea won’t fit into the core of the story I still want to tell for them, then I’m certain it will end up in another one of the books. Because it’s a really cool idea. And anything that excites my creativity these days is a treasure.

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