January 30, 2024

The book cover for House of Flame and Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Aargh! The book I posted about last week that I was so excited about, House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas, is apparently delayed.

I got charged for the ebook this morning. Twelve hours later, the book still hadn’t appeared in my account. So I contacted customer service.

They wanted me to do a repair process on my ereader.

Um, nope.

I did a quick internet search and sure enough, I found people saying that they’d been told their copies of the book, both electronic and audio, were delayed.

I guess I should have been more worried when I pre-ordered the hardcover and was told it wouldn’t arrive until the first week of February.

So, now I have to find something else to read until House of Flame and Shadow shows up. 

Oh, the disappointment! 🙁

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