June 23, 2020

In this age of COVID-19, face masks are becoming the new fashion statement. I’ve seen masks with cartoons drawn over the mouth and nose area. Masks that have those filter circles. Some folks in our office building just use a scarf or bandana.

Even I’ve finally graduated away from the paper, surgical style masks provided by my office to something with more style.

Here is my current collection of face masks, sewn by my sister. 

Photo of multicolor face masks

Honestly, if I saw this photo before COVID, I’m pretty sure I would have assumed these were some sort of bikini top. LOL

Two things make these masks extra cool.

First, my sister sewed them on an old Singer manual sewing machine we had growing up. So, nostalgia.

Second, they’re reversible.

Inside of reversible cloth face mask

Of course, once worn, they have to be washed before reversing. But still. The fashion possibilities are endless.

Who’d have ever thought we’d care about face masks this much?

What about you? What’s your face mask style?

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