May 9, 2023

I am absolutely loving the Merlin bird identification app from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. My favorite feature is the Sound ID. I activate the app, tell it to record, and as it’s capturing the birdsong near me, it identifies the birds I’m hearing.

One of my longtime grievances is that I can so often hear a lot of birds, but they’re hidden. Not only does Merlin identify the bird, but it shows me a picture. So, while it’s not as good as being able to spot the bird in thick foliage, it’s better than having no idea what I’m hearing.

The app also offers additional information, such as habitat and range.

My biggest frustration with the identification process is that I’ve been walking along streets that get a fair amount of traffic, which ruins the recording. Still, between cars, Merlin identified ten different birds on one of my recent walks. So cool!

Plus, it’s identified birds I’ve never heard of before. This evening on my walk, Merlin identified a Warbling Vireo, which is a cute little bird that’s new to me.

Other birds unfamiliar to me: Cedar Waxwing (from a walk). Looks like a bandit, doesn't it?

and Killdeer (flying over the field behind my place).

I finally bought a pair of binoculars, and while I don’t use them on my walks because I’m walking for exercise, I have spent time watching birds and rabbits in my backyard.

So yes, I’m in love with the wizard birding app, Merlin!

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