November 2, 2015

November is National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo. This event involves thousands of writers from across the globe who are each attempting to complete a 50,000 word novel by the end of the month.
This will be my first year participating and I’m going to be working on a special project. In preparation, I drew a diagram of the island that my novel is going to take place on. No, these really aren’t the scribblings of a madwoman. It all makes perfect sense to me. 😀
Being a visual person, I often need to see a general map of the area my characters are operating in before I can write a scene. This map came in very handy for today’s writing session. However, you can probably guess that I never had a career as an urban planner or landscape designer. 😉
I also recently interviewed a member of my local chapter, Shannon Monroe, who is about to begin her ninth year participating in NaNoWriMo. You can find the interview here.
For everyone who is participating in this year’s NaNo, GOOD LUCK!!

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