The other morning, before the sun was up, I looked out of my upstairs window and did a double-take. Why was there a woman, wearing a hat, doing pushups on the patch of lawn between me and my neighbors?
I stared at her for a bit, turning the question over in my mind.
Then I figured it out.
Remember, it was dark out. I couldn’t take a photo because there wasn’t enough light, so here’s the photo I took once the sun came up. I adjusted it to make it appear as if I took it in the dark. Imagine me being on the second story and looking down on this when it was full dark out and more of the area was in shadow.
It kinda looks like a woman doing pushups, right?
Here’s the original photo, taken once the sun was up.
Not a woman. A scarecrow that had fallen over. What I thought were legs straight behind her for the pushup was a wooden pole. My neighbors must have put this out after I got home from work, which is why I hadn’t realized what I was seeing was a Halloween decoration that had fallen over.
Yeah, another lesson on paying attention and not believing first impressions. I’m definitely sensing that the Universe is trying to send me another message…