Kobo is having a sale on box sets. You can get The SSU Series Complete Box Set for 30% off by using promo code 30BOX.The promo runs from today, February 23rd through Monday, February 27, 2017.Happy Reading! Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 Share +10
...Betrayal, book two in the SSU series, is one of a select number of titles in Kobo’s October promotion. Get 30{cd5691b53de19483338f5bdaac8992c5b1e7aa3b21b63b11a9b7d226ab925553} off by using the promo code OCT30 at checkout. Promo runs from October 23 – 26. Enjoy!
...I apologize for posting mostly about promotion lately, but I don’t want y’all to miss out on all of the great deals that have been happening. Kobo is having a 50{cd5691b53de19483338f5bdaac8992c5b1e7aa3b21b63b11a9b7d226ab925553} off sale on all Kobo Writing Life titles starting today, August 28th and ending Monday, August 31st. This means that ALL of my books are 50{cd5691b53de19483338f5bdaac8992c5b1e7aa3b21b63b11a9b7d226ab925553} …
The first book in my WAR series WAR: Disruption is on sale this weekend at Kobo (in most territories). It’s part of their 35{cd5691b53de19483338f5bdaac8992c5b1e7aa3b21b63b11a9b7d226ab925553} off sale that runs August 14-17. This is a great chance to get started on the WAR series ahead of the August 31st release of book two, WAR: Intrusion. Use code AUGUST35 …
Kobo is having a 30% off sale on selected romance titles August 15-18, including Betrayal. Use promo code ROMANCE30 at checkout. The code can be used an unlimited number of times to purchase eligible books. To find other romantic suspense titles eligible under this promotion, go to the promotion’s home page and then click on More Contemporary Romance. The romantic suspense …