For those of you who subscribe to my newsletter, I sent out the January issue today. It includes a short snippet-of-life story, An Andros Snowball Fight. Enjoy! Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 Share +10
...I sent out the February issue of my newsletter on Thursday. This issue includes an exclusive short story and a chance for you to get your name in the acknowledgments of WAR: Opposition, book three in the WAR series. If you don’t see this in your inbox, please check your spam folder. Or, if you’re on Gmail, check to …
Today I sent out the latest edition of my newsletter, which includes an excerpt from WAR: Intrusion. Those of you who follow me on Twitter for #1LineWed might recognize a couple of lines. 😉 If you’ve signed up for my newsletter but don’t see this in your inbox, please check your tabs and/or your spam/junk folder. I …
I sent out the most recent issue of my newsletter last night and it includes an exclusive SSU slice-of-life piece. 🙂 Enjoy! If you’re a subscriber and haven’t received it yet, please check your spam folder.
...I just sent out the latest issue of my newsletter. If you’re a subscriber and haven’t yet received it, please check your spam folder or any special subscription folders/tabs your email client may have filtered it into. Enjoy!