This is not the blog post I intended to go out this evening. But the post I started writing earlier included an array of images and links that I wanted to be displayed in a certain manner. Of course, I’d never actually done that type of layout before.
As you can probably guess, it proved to be more complicated than I’d expected.
Ever one to enjoy diving deep, I started trying to figure out what to do to get the post to look the way I wanted. Before I knew it, it was eight o’clock at night and I hadn’t eaten dinner yet.
So, in the interest of getting enough sleep tonight, and so I can get in my minimum of one hundred words written in my novel, I’m shelving that project until I have more time to figure it out.
The lesson, which is one that Fate has been beating me over the head with all year, is that EVERYTHING takes fifty gazillion times more than the time I’d allocated for it. You’d think I’d be over the frustration of half-completed projects by now.
What I really need is a time bubble. Someplace I can enter, take as long as I need to finish a project, and then emerge with only five minutes having passed in our timeline. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Barring that, maybe the Doctor would let me borrow his TARDIS.