March 17, 2020

​​I recently received an Aquanotes waterproof pad. This is a special pad of paper, with a special pencil, that you can use in the shower. It attaches to the shower wall with suction cups.

I have wanted one of these for a while, since I often have story ideas in the shower but don’t always remember them once I’m done. I’ve already used it to storyboard a change for a scene I’ve been struggling with.

The below picture shows the first sheet of the new Aquanotes pad as it evolved over several days.

Photo of hand drawn scene on an Aquanotes pad

Both “Hi” and the smiley face were my way of testing the paper.

Now, I’m not the best artist, so the drawing probably makes no sense to anyone but me. If you remember my post from last week about bridges, this is a follow-up to that. I realized I needed to adjust how this boat approached the bridge. So over two days, I put together the drawing. It shows an SUV driving over a bridge, while the hero and heroine are on the river in a boat.

The text below the drawing has nothing to do with this scene. But, hating to waste paper, I used the blank space to write a note about a change I want to make regarding the heroine in the first quarter of the book.

Because I live in California and we’re in a perpetual drought, I can’t stand in the shower with the water running while I make elaborate notes. If I can hold the idea until I shut the water off, I do. Otherwise, I try to sketch as quickly as possible.

I see many shower notes ahead of me, including jotting down to-dos and those email responses I compose in my head and then forget to send.

So a big thumbs up for Aquanotes!

[You can buy these from Amazon (affiliate link) or directly from the Aquanotes website.]

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