The SSU series is an action-packed romantic thriller series that ricochets across the globe from Moscow to Mexico to Washington, D.C. as the agents attempt to keep deadly scientific research out of the hands of those who would use the data to throw the world into chaos.

Prequel Novella

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Prequel Novella

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5


The SSU series is an action-packed romantic thriller series that ricochets across the globe from Moscow to Mexico to Washington, D.C. as the agents attempt to keep deadly scientific research out of the hands of those who would use the data to throw the world into chaos.

Prequel Novella

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5


Interested in a series that takes place entirely overseas with an international cast? Then check out my WAR series. This series has all of the adventure, danger, and strong characters that you'd expect from me.

Cover for WAR: Disruption by Vanessa Kier. A mostly yellow skin and an acacia tree tinted orange. In silhouette, a helicopter is landing. In the foreground, the silhouette of a man holding a an assault rifle. Behind him, the silhouette of a woman is running toward the helicopter. At the bottom, a black background is behind the author's name.

Book 1

Cover for WAR: Intrusion by Vanessa Kier. Night. Flames devouring a hillside. In the foreground, the silhouette of a man and woman standing next to one another. At the bottom, a black background is behind the author's name.

Book 2

Cover for WAR: Opposition by Vanessa Kier. Night. A storm with tints of dark green in the clouds and forks of lightning. The silhouettes of a running man and woman as they run along rocky ground toward the silhouette of a military helicopter that is facing the viewer. At the bottom, a black background is behind the author's name.

Book 3

Book 4


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