The WAR series takes place in a slightly altered reality. Fifteen years ago, the nations of West Africa underwent a brutal period of civil war. These internal wars led to armed conflict between neighbors. When the fighting finally ceased, some countries of West Africa had merged and others had split. The books take place in this new geopolitical reality.

As the years passed, corruption once again reared its head. A new rebel group calling itself the African Freedom Army (AFA) has formed, promising economic and political freedom. Through a vicious campaign of violence, they seek to drive all foreigners out of West Africa and unite the area into a completely autonomous region. West Africans who disagree with AFA's narrow definition of what it means to be a loyal West African and/or their violent methods are targeted and killed.

The West African Rangers (WAR) is an underground political and military organization founded by Kwame Azumah, a former prime minister of Côte d'Ivoire. WAR's mission is to protect both citizens and foreigners from the uncompromising edicts and violence of the rebels and to return peace and democracy to the region. WAR also believes AFA wants to turn West Africa into a staging area for terrorist attacks against the rest of the world.

The series focuses mainly on WAR's military arm, their fight against AFA and its allies, and the civilians who end up trapped between the two. Here's a piece I wrote about my time in West Africa and why I decided to write this series.


Cover for WAR: Disruption by Vanessa Kier. A mostly yellow skin and an acacia tree tinted orange. In silhouette, a helicopter is landing. In the foreground, the silhouette of a man holding a an assault rifle. Behind him, the silhouette of a woman is running toward the helicopter. At the bottom, a black background is behind the author's name.

Book 1

Cover for WAR: Intrusion by Vanessa Kier. Night. Flames devouring a hillside. In the foreground, the silhouette of a man and woman standing next to one another. At the bottom, a black background is behind the author's name.

Book 2

Cover for WAR: Opposition by Vanessa Kier. Night. A storm with tints of dark green in the clouds and forks of lightning. The silhouettes of a running man and woman as they run along rocky ground toward the silhouette of a military helicopter that is facing the viewer. At the bottom, a black background is behind the author's name.

Book 3

Book 4


Get the first three books of this action-packed romantic thriller in one volume!

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Amazon has also bundled WAR: DisruptionWAR: Intrusion, and WAR: Opposition together. If you already own one of the books, Amazon will just charge you only for the books you don't already own.

Here's the link: WAR Bundle.


These are some African musicians I've been listening to while writing the WAR series:

  • Angélique Kidjo
  • Ladysmith Black Mambazo
  • Syran Mbenza
  • Habib Koite & Bamada


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