I’ve recently developed a renewed appreciation for silence.
During the week, I work in an office with an open floor plan. It’s rarely quiet. Even when no one is talking, we have music playing. When I’m home, I usually play either a podcast or music. I listen to podcasts while driving.
But since starting this job back in November, I’ve needed more quiet time. Over the past few weeks, I’ve started to turn off the podcasts and music and just enjoy the silence. (Why did it take me so long to get to this point? I haven’t a clue!)
While doing the dishes in the morning I no longer listen to the news. Instead, I listen to the bird song coming through my open kitchen windows. Instead of listening to something put together by another person, I sink into my own thoughts. I no longer have time to meditate, so turning off the podcast or the music allows gives me a chance to ground myself and find a bit of calm. It’s not quite as powerful as meditation, but I am noticing a difference.
Since allowing more silence into my life, I’ve noticed that I’m more productive when I get home from work. My word count has gone up. I feel less stressed if I allow myself to process my thoughts and emotions in silence.
Normally I write my blog posts to music. But yep, you guessed it. This blog post was written to silence.
How about you? Do you fill your day with sounds? Or do you take time out for the healing power of silence?