September 24, 2024

It’s a bit of a cliché to say that people ask writers where they get their ideas.

But also true.

With me, it’s seldom one flash of inspiration. I might come up with part of an idea while in the car driving to an appointment. I might flesh it out a bit more while on my walk several days later. Then finish sculpting the initial form of the idea while in the shower.

Image of a woman with long hair wearing a white long-sleeved top and a short, flared skirt. She is holding a book. An abstract cloud of color and lightbulbs and book pages floats around her head.

This week, I started reading a book by an author who is new to me. While reading one paragraph, suddenly I had an image of my character walking along a street after a specific event. I’d had the initial idea for that event a few weeks ago, but hadn’t decided how best to incorporate it into the story. But for some reason, reading that particular paragraph of someone else’s writing, a snippet which involved two characters that share no similarities with my own characters, my creativity was sparked.

 Man, I love being a writer! 

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