All day long I've felt off. Chilled to the bone. Yet my eyes have been burning.

I figured I might have a slight fever, so I took my temperature when I got home from work.
Wait! What?! No wonder I'm so cold!! Normal for me is about 97.5F. LOL
Actually, I'm pretty sure that at 36.33F I'd be dead. Was the thermometer broken?
Nope. Somehow I'd switched it into Celsius mode.
Oh. Phew!
Darn technology. I didn't even know the thermometer had a Celsius mode. I haven't a clue how I switched it.
I took my temperature again. Only 97.8F. Nothing to worry about.
Never mind that it's 80F outside and I'm so cold I look like that girl in the photo with my scarf and fleece jacket on. Winter's come and it's living in my bones.
Fires in Northern CAL., your cold numbers inside, outside warm.
Climate change or Mother Nature showing who’s in control?