February 18, 2020

Graphic of a clock and a splotch of multi-color paint with the text Routine vs Creativity

​I’ve recently realized that I’ve fallen into a rut. I take the same route to and from work. I listen to the same podcasts. I walk along the same trails.

Sometimes routine is good. It frees my mind to think of other things. But sometimes routine stifles my creativity and lulls me into a sense of complacency that results in very few items being checked off my to-do list.

On the days when I try a new trail or take a different route home from work, both my creativity and my productivity spike. Maybe that same day. Maybe not until the next day. But there’s definitely a connection.

So I’ve been making a point to fight against my homebody, introvert tendencies. To force myself to try something new at least once a week.

I know from experience that a significant change, such as moving out of California, will sap all of my creative energy for a while. But I anticipate that once I get settled in a new place, my creativity, and my productivity, will thrive.

It’s that promise that keeps me pushing forward when all I want to do is curl up with a good book and ignore the world.

What about you? How does your routine impact your creativity and/or productivity?

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